Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wenger Swiss Business Tool For The Mobile Office

Wenger Swiss Business Tool (Image courtesy Crane & Co.)

These days carrying around a concealed Swiss Army knife is kind of frowned upon so maybe that’s the reason Wenger created this Swiss Business Tool. At its core is a compact stapler and while it might not be quite as pocketable as the army knife it still packs just as many useful functions.

On the stapler’s base you’ll find a series of fold-out tools including ‘high performance’ scissors, a staple remover, an optical gauge, and a nail file/cleaner. The stapler can also be switched to function as a hole punch if you happen to need a handful of confetti at any point. And you might consider this a plus or a minus but the Swiss Business Tool does not include a knife giving it a slim chance of actually being allowed in your carry-on when flying.

The Wenger Swiss Business Tool is available from Crane & Co. for $100.

[ Wenger Swiss Business Tool ] VIA [ ThisNext ]

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