Friday, July 6, 2007

Dyno Kwick Pick - A Great Alternative To A Crowded Keychain

Dyno Kwick Pick (Image courtesy brandsonSale)

If you’ve amassed quite a collection of keys over the years and are tired of carrying them all around ‘just in case’ you might want to consider this alternative. Just think, when was the last time you saw a spy or a cat burglar carrying a huge ring of keys? Never! Because they’ve already realized the convenience of just carrying a lock pick to open doors and other secured areas. But if your lock picking skills are non-existent the Kwick Pick from Dyno promises to make you a pro in no time.

Invented by a professional locksmith the Kwick Pick can apparently be used by even a novice to quickly open padlocks, filing cabinets and even some car doors and front door locks. The easy to use design has a spring-loaded sure lock, retractable pick and combination tension wrench/pocket clip which are apparently important things to have. Of course OhGizmo! would like to remind you the Kwick Pick is only for use as a novelty item and/or study aid. If you get caught somewhere you’re not supposed to be don’t go dropping our name to the feds.

You can get your own from LockPickShop for only $19.95.

[ Dyno Kwick Pick ] VIA [ ThisNext ]

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