Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Decapitated Gundam Serves Speaker Duty

gundam robots head speakers

Hysteria is rising over the upcoming Transofmers movie. It’s understandable. So maybe it makes sense to see some Korean company trying to cash in on the action… by releasing Gundam speakers. No, Gundam is in no way related to Transformers, but they share many of the same elements: robots, anime and awesome 80s looks. That’s of course where the similarities end, and these Gundam Head Speakers aren’t really all that exciting once you get over their looks. The speakers use batteries for power, and the actual speakers are revealed only once you open the flaps on the back of the head.

No word on price or availability, but chances are this is Korea only.

[ Product Page (translated from Korean) ] VIA [ UberGizmo ]

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